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Showing posts from March, 2019

You Can Call Me All The Names In The World, Don't Care About The Names I CARE You Intentionally Destroyed My Life 4 Being White

I TOLD A sandnigger muslim to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, it is 2019 and this sandnigger is STILL IN MY fucking life. This sandnigger has no business in my life no matter what the fuck is going on in my life or the world. This sandnigger takes everything over by force like he OWNS everyone, everything and every country . In the most manipulating and controlling manner possible .  I am edgy, intolerant, frustrated, irritated, aggressive, vicious, unapologetic, will NOT back down, . . .  because this sandnigger pitted the world against me in the craziest fuck show going on, in America and the world. I am out here standing up all by myself against the world, this sandnigger and his clan pitted against me. Could YOU? You can protest ME If you don't like what I say, you have the right to protest me. That is what free speech is about. Sandnigger this ain't your life, you don't own or run my life, NOR Fucking SOLVE My Problems Fuck ! Sandnigger I TOLD YOU &qu

World Leaders You Are Going To Let Shit Fuck Iran And 3rd World Shit Hole India Run Your Fuck? Not ME Over Your Entitlement Fuck Show

- Pramila do you know Neil the homeless stalker? Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal Her Clan From India Stalk And Hack  My Privacy 24/7 India is a shit hole and these people want to take over the world. They cannot even put their own fucking country together in a respectable manner, you filthy dirty fucking SCUM! While another refugee this scum from India,  Pramila Jayapal  is an American Congresswoman, I continue to live in HELL on the streets in the state and country I was born in.  While her scum from India stalks me ,  be scared to walk by me again SCUM ! Pramila Your name will be on cardboard SCUM!

Be READY For Extravaganza By Me Tomorrow Iran And India Fucking OVER Your Filthy ASS Fucks - Bigot Central Is Happening SCUM!

Fatemi, Markle And Clan Bangers Your Buddy In The Library Is Saying "It Will Only Make You Stronger" - Trust Me I Don't Live By That Value System I Promise Fucking YOU!

While you live in a fucking palace cunt and enjoy life, I suffer for you, FUCK YOU Cunt I Will Kill YOU! You are one dumb ass cunt to think this is what I would do for your fuck. Especially while the entire time you fucking radically enjoyed life. No cunt, you would die one of the evilest most torturous deaths possible, after this fuck show on my good life. Do you fucking get my ass? No games fucks!

Sandnigger You Can Think Highly Of Yourself And The World Can Allow You To Destroy It And Them - I Am Not The World I KILL Fuck Like YOU And Your Clan Bangers

I am not out here, nor do I want to be a leader, but I promise you if I was a leader the sandnigger and his clan would be DEAD. This fucking event would not be going on. It would be fucking OVER! I seriously have no game with this sandnigger, nor anyone . This mockery on my life is seriously wrong!

I Know There Are Good People In All Countries, I Try To Specify To My Best Ability Who The Culprits Are, Unfortunately The Good Has Been Accused But I Will Not Apologize So Over Being Stalked By An Iranian I Told Get The Fuck Out

I know there are good people in every country in the world, but what has happened to my life has made it very difficult to discern the good in America. And like my good self, the good in all cultures always have to suffer at the hands of the evil. I am just personally over this particular evil show on my life and mind because it is beyond beyond. It is anti-life. I would address things differently and handle things differently if I had justice, or this was handled differently, but the way it was handled just makes me ill, off balance, shaky, crazy, go berserk, and most importantly want to be very aggressive. Instead of stressing the positive here, it just makes me stress the negative. Because it has been too intense, for to long, in a mentally disturbing manner. It is very evident these Iranians take everything over by FORCE . They have been and are the problem, then claim to solve the problems and this is how they operate. This is how they acquire things, take things over, hold pe

Bill Gates You Can Let SCUM From Iran And India Walk All Over You, I DON'T/WON'T! Do You Get Me Brown FUCKING SCUM!

Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and all the rest same for you. Watch brown fucking scum my signs for tomorrow fucks going to be real ugly fucking scum. No games, with no one, been living in HELL too long . I don't care who you are, you can kill me but I promise you, I ain't nor have I ever been playing games with you.

I.S.I.S. Boko Haram When Are You Protesting Me And The English Royal Family?

I.S.I.S. Boko Haram When Are You Protesting Me The English Royal Family? If you don't like what I say, you are welcome to protest me. But you fucking don't. You run around destroying, ruining, killing and terrorizing good Americans, while blaming good Americans and England for your fucking evil. You can FOOL the masses, you don't FOOL my fuck ! Many have sat here and watched me live in EVIL Fucking hell, while the world abuses me, laughing at me being abused by YOU ALL. I am just waiting for my personal justice, and in the mean time whether I die or live, I shall keep up protesting. Warning my words will become uglier by the day and be ready for my bigot to come at YOU! 

Hillary The Foreign SCUM That Hates Me Hates Your White Ass Too! Iranians DON'T Solve My Problems, But They Can Solve YOURS!

Iranians DON'T Solve My Problems, But They Can Solve YOURS! Prince M.B.S., President Putin, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Queen Elizabeth, Justin Trudeau, Kim Yong-un, Angela Merkel and the list goes on of leaders around the world. You can work with, support, protect and allow Iran and Iranians to own, run and solve your problems, but you NEVER tell me what to do. Iranians DON'T EVER solve my problems, do you all fucking get me . If you seriously believe I am into your fuck show on my good life while you enjoy life, YOU are utterly stupid ass fuck. But that will NEVER register in your shit hole fucking minds, UNTIL you show the fuck up to my face, do you SCUM get my fuck in your trash fucking show on my good life.  If Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and all creators and developers in America want to allow you evil to ruin and destroy them, that is their choice. Do you evil foreign ass fuck get my fuck. I Am NOT on your team, I am NOT an accomp

If You Seriously Think I Am Doing Something For You, Never Have - Just Wanted Personal Justice So I Can Live A Good Life And Enjoy Life And My Privacy Like YOU All Have, While I Lived In Hell - This Is The EVIL Impossible Fuck YOU - All I Am Thinking About Is Justice, Putting My Life Back Together, Doing What The Fuck I Want, MY PRIVACY

"EVERY Coward  In The Freak Show KILL ME  I'll NEVER Respect YOU!" If you seriously are planning one second of my life, you are planning the wrong life. You don't even communicate with me to know anything about me. But you think you do. I am NOT doing this to be a leader, I would NEVER be a leader ever in my life , never wanted to be a leader. I am NOT doing this to be an advocate, never wanted to be an advocate, never will, . . . I have ONLY been doing this for my own personal justice, so I can live a decent life, doing what I want and enjoy my personal privacy. Don't plan my life because you have no clue about me . You don't even talk to me, but you think you know who the fuck I am and YOU DON'T! I am not going to sit in this crazy and try to figure out all the shit of the fuck show, by people who I have no idea who the fuck they are, what value system they live by, why they are doing it, what is their intention and motivation, . . . that is

Hey ALL You Cowards In The Greatest Coward Fuck Fest Going On In The World On My Good Life - NOT On Your Team Cowards, Whenever YOU All Want To Slaughter Me Go Ahead - I Will NEVER Respect YOU, Fucking EVER!

Keep thinking in your incompetent, inept, negligent, serial lying, evil minds that I am truly on your team. I'm NOT ! Never have been cowards, EVER! Seriously when you all want to kill me, while you are enjoying life in the greatest evil fuck fest on my life and mind, go ahead . I am NOT, nor have I EVER been in your one way fuck show on my good life. But keep thinking in your demented mind, I am .

All I Wanted Was Personal Justice For The Actions Of An Iranian Sandnigger Muslim, The Wives He Lied About And His Gang - I Don't Care If You Were Born In America, Or Another Country This Is NOT A Game Its About Justice!

I have been living one of the greatest lives of HELL in the state and country I was born in. Not playing games with a man who lied about NOT being married and has the world running around in his fuck show. I welcomed everyone into America, graciously. I did NOT start this war, nor fuck up your life. If you are members of a drug cartel, I have always believed drugs, all drugs should be legal, so you are after the wrong fucking person. I understand your divide and conquer war, most are clueless about . Lots of players, from all backgrounds, races, many countries, religions, males and females, . . . but the main man that started this for me is Alireza Fatemi, or Ed Gomez not sure if they are the same person, or two different people working together, or separately? All day I am surrounded by people that are trying to indicate something to me, that without personal knowledge of what they are doing, why, who they are after, . . . I could sign up and be an accomplice to something I never wo

Hillary The Foreign Scum That Hates Me, Hates Your White Ass Also, Acting Like Your Friend! Hillary Live In REALITY, Not LaLa Land!

Hillary - Cortez - Tlaib - Omar - Sarsour - Jayapal - Iranians - The rest of the scum , . . .  HATE You Not Trump This might not be 100% true, but I would say probably pretty close, especially when dealing with specific foreigners in America in the year 2019. The specific foreigners I am addressing here have been proficient at a divide and conquer war in America, for quite some time. Watch how I challenge you, in your divide and conquer war , since I still do not have justice. Keep thinking I'm on your team sandnigger and clan bangers! Remember Congress you don't own or run my life or solve my problems and neither does a sandnigger named Alireza Fatemi, do you fucking get my fuck ? This is not a game with my one precious life, that has been a life of HELL, while you all enjoy life and declared war on me. Do you fucking get me SCUM! No games with no one, been living in HELL way too long. I get one life and life is NOT about living in HELL! pro·fi·cie

Congress FORCE Me To Marry A Shiite Muslim I Dare YOU! TOLD Him To Get Out Of My Life

Isn't it amazing that Congress is going after Trump right now, while they hack my privacy and life 24/7 with an Iranian sandnigger shiite muslim? A sandnigger muslim who blatantly lied about not being married, threatened my ass, destroyed my life, threatened my father and who thinks we are going to be in a relationship and he solves my problems, America and the worlds problems with a specific group in Congress? That these people are that fucking entitled ? Amazing as all fuck huh ?

Congress Every Sign I Make Tomorrow You Will Be On It - You Run A Circus Fucking Show Of FREAKS!


You ALL Stole My Life In A Great Fucking FREAK ASS Show FREAKS And Nothing But FREAKS! All Day Of The Great Freak Show!

So Beyond Over The Utter Bullshit Of This Entire Fucking FREAK ASS Show, Seriously I Fucking Am - Morons Running Around Acting Like They Run The World Fucking MORONS - All I Wanted Was Justice So Over YOU All!

Fatemi, Markle, Clan Bangers, I Am Thrilled To Know How Fucking Important Congress, Americans, The World Thinks You Are, Congrats! You Are So Important Your Clan Goes To The Public Library Acting Arrogant Fucking SCUM! While You Stalk Me, Blaming England SCUM!

What Ever Members In Congress Are Friends With Fatemi, Markle And The Clan, You Don't Own, Nor Run, Nor Solve My Problems Fucks!

Congress NOW In The Business Of Arranged Marriages Be SCARED Mother Fuckers!

Try to arrange a marriage for me, force me to be in a relationship and watch what the fuck I do to you. Something is going hey wire in Congress, but I promise you fucks a sandnigger muslim does not own, or run my fuck nor solve my problems and neither does anyone else.

Congress While Your At It Tell Me Meghan Markle Is Entitled To Have Her Gang Stalk Me And She Runs My Life And Solves My Problems, I Fucking Seriously DARE YOU!

Seriously Congress ALL Of You In Congress Show Up To My Face And FORCE Me To Be With An Iranian Muslim Or Any Person!

Congress Tell Me An Iranian Muslim Owns Me - Sign For Tomorrow Fucks! I DARE YOU!

Congress Show The Fuck Up To My Face And Tell Me An Iranian Sandnigger Muslim Owns And Runs My Fuck And Solves My Problems And I Will KILL YOU! Do You All Fucking Get Me?


Everyone Has A Right To Be A Bigot Except The White Man Who Wants Justice For The Abuse And Infringements Upon Their Rights By Shiite Iranians Who DON'T Belong In America!

You made a mockery of my life, all for the mere reason I want justice for the actions of an Iranian muslim. But when you want your justice for claiming 'The White Man or Woman' has done you wrong, you are entitled to it and to be a bigot, Fuck YOU! This situation would not be out of control, if the justice I truly deserve and demand was granted. But you did not give it to me, you are controlling manipulators wanting to take over America acting like you are patriots. I would NOT be out here making a scene, if you would have given me justice long ago, but you did NOT! Now I want to make sure YOU don't get your justice EVER . If we as a society have decided justice is not important, justice is only for foreigners, justice does not matter, only groups are entitled to justice, not the individual, . . . than we should go to the place of anything fucking goes and to take justice into our own hands.

Congrats Iranian Shiite Muslims Got ALL White People To HATE Me! Bravo Scum!

It's amazing ALL white people HATE me, isn't it? The sandnigger got my family to HATE me, so you all HATE me because I want personal justice for the abuse and infringements upon my rights by an Iranian sandnigger. You can all run around me, trying to indicate some shit I don't give a fuck about, because you NEVER stood by me, don't EVER show the fuck up ! Seriously DON'T ! A mockery was made upon my life, that has a ripple effect . But I will not STOP what I say and do! Trust me Iranian sandnigger, you DON'T Own, Run, Solve my problems, or tell me fuck, EVER! When your buddy Michael the greeter this morning had a record on the ground with the title 'Crown' on it. Amazing shit that never ends by any of you! I am NOT playing games with one of YOU, NOT one . No GAMES With NO ONE!

Fatemi, Steve Ortega, Meghan Markle And Clan Bangers If The Christians REALLY Understood Your HATE For Them!

5 Types Of Stalkers

"Rejected 1. Pursues a former partner 2. Wants Reconciliation 3. Or desires revenge 4. Has a criminal history Intimacy Seeker 1. Wants a relationship with their "true love" 2. Takes no notice of the victim's feelings 3. Erotomania delusions 4. Endows victim with grand qualities Incompetent 1. Knows the victim is not interested 2. Wants their behavior to lead to a relationship 3. Low IQ socially awkward 4. Does not endow victim with grand qualities Resentful 1. Feels persecuted, wants retribution 2. Wants to frighten and upset the victim 3. Has a particular grievance 4. Paranoid delusions Predator 1. Stalks and studies victim 2. Prepares in advance for attack 3. Prior sexual attacks 4. No warnings before attacks . . ." - Read entire article @: Learning-Mind

Stalkers Cannot Believe Their Victims Are Not Interested In Them. Any Rejections Are Signs Of Love And Commitment!

- Read entire article @: Learning-Mind

Fatemi, Markle And Clan Bangers Your Buddy In The Library Right Now On Computer 21 Isn't It Fun Fucks! Blaming The Queen When Your Filth Stalks Me! Over You & Your Bangers!

- Read entire article on stalker @: Learning-mind

A Note I Sent To The Saudi Consulate

Do you have a problem with Iranian Shiite Muslims in America? Have you ever been terrorized by them, stalked by them, challenged by them? Or do you get along with them in America, but not in the middle east? I ask you these questions because I never knew the religion of Islam existed until 9/11, but really until a personal experience with an Iranian Shiite Muslim in 2004. This Shiite Muslim has made me radically dislike Islam. It is really hate I have, probably more than those in Saudi have for Iran. Enough to want to blow their country up, that KIND of hate.  As I write you this note, they are reading what I write to you, because they are that entitled in America. I am stalked 24/7 by them, have been living one of the greatest lives of hell because of them. These individuals are masters at divide and conquer wars, another subject I was clueless about, until this event began. Which has probably really been going on well before 2004. These Iranian Shiite Muslims might be at the helm

24/7 Stalking By Iranian Muslims While Laughed AT By The World - What A Truly Fucked Up STORY

Fatemi, Markle and Clan of scum saw your little lady Iranian stalker walking out the door at Ralphs as I was walking in. Must be nice to be you filthy scum huh? Then on the way out Ross the parking cop was cruising through, must be nice to always have the right to know where I am and what the fuck I do, while your life is private huh fucks .

Your Clan Banger Steve Ortega Who Has Used Many Names, Thinks He Is So Fucking RAD, So Do All Your Homeless Clan Banging Losers!

Running around fucking up good people, because they could not do what they did, they are so scum! The trash of the world! Taking everything by force, because their brains are so dumb . Acting intelligent, like humanitarians of the world, claiming they care, while destroying it all. What a FREAK they are, FREAKS !

Muslims Got White People To HATE Me Amazing Shit! All White People HATE Me Amazing Shit!

C.A.I.R. No GAMES! Muslims You Do A Good Job At Getting White People To Hate White People, Congratulations Racist Bigot Fucks!

"Muslim Terrorists Got White People  To Hate Me, For Wanting Justice, Congratulations!" C.A.I.R. it is amazing the muslim who has created this divide and conquer war, who has pitted everyone against me, and thinks he is my savior, foreigners are my savior and my own white people are all my enemies, could you imagine such bullshit ? This is what you fucks have been doing around here for a long time, know how it works. You got my white people to hate me, good job! Will have a sign for this tomorrow.


"Women Are You Laughing At Me While Muslim Terrorists Stalk Me?" Congress understand my Islamic stalking terrorist, I told to get the fuck out of my life, copies every mother fucking thing I do, and I am NOT playing games with anyone. Do you all fucking get my fuck, in this trash fucking show? Especially Meghan Markle I am NOT your friend cunt and trust me folks I am on no one's team. Beyond OVER people thinking I am doing this for their justice, beyond it. Especially the muslim, Markle and all their clan bangers. This is not a fucking game folks in any manner. Been seeking justice since 2005, it is 2019. I go berserk because I am so over this, tired of Meghan thinking I am her friend and hearing about all the sandniggers new girlfriends while I live in hell. Muslims how long have drivers watched me hold signs on PCH, demanding justice for the infringements upon my rights by muslims? A long fucking time. Muslim women if you want a better life and rights in t

Primitive Muslim Terrorists The Beach Is Nice, Huh? Enjoying Beautiful Orange County, CA? Little Different From Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan,... What Is Your Aim And Purpose Around Here? Take Everything By Force Like You Did To Me?

I go absolutely berserk with this mother fucker I have been trying to rid myself of acting like we are the same person, copying every fucking thing I do, thinking we are on a team, that I like him, that we are the same person, that what I say and do, I do for him, . . . it makes me literally bonkers! I see your buddies Brian and the other guy in the van are back. Where has Brian been? What has he been doing? The guy in the van said he got a job as a care taker. know a white lady that drives a car with the license has a heart in the beginning and then LOVITT? She did the finger around the head like I am crazy? Isn't it amazing how long I have been seeking justice and called every name in the book, including mentally ill and crazy. Seeking justice for the actions of a violently abusive Iranian sandnigger shiite muslim. I know muslim women are fourth class citizens under sharia law, especially in the middle east. But what do Saudi sunni muslims call, Iranian shiite muslims when

If You All Want To ACT Like I Am A TERRIBLE Person, Be Fucking SCARED Do You ALL Fucking GET Me? I SAID Fucking ALL!

I Am Not In The Wrong YOU Fucking ARE, With My Fucking Life Do You Fucking GET Me! Not On Anyone's TEAM, I'm A Value NOT Scum

Everybody in the show, look at the way I am living, and YOU have been living. Fucked up as it gets . That's why I don't have a problem with what I say and do. I promise you I think you are ALL evil fuck, and I said ALL!

Keep The Unearned Fucking Shit SCUM You ALL ARE Trash Fucking Creatures Of The World

You see I did not fuck up your life, none of you. You have the worlds greatest evil fuck show going on, on one good persons life, while you fuck enjoy life. FUCK YOU ! Remember I am NOT playing games with anyone fucking SCUM . You all did me wrong , I did nothing to your fuck, SCUM! This is truly ONE dumb fuck show stupid fuck!

I Promise Every Person On EARTH I Am Not Living In HELL For You, And I Don't Give A Fuck About You, Your Life, Or Your Goddamn Mother Fucking Justice NEVER Fucking Would!

OVER The Sandnigger Muslim Entitlement Program Mother Fucking OVER IT!

Over 3rd World India's Entitlement Program Here! Over the Foreign entitlement program coming in from India. This ain't India fucks, this is America mother fuckers. Impeach all Congress members from India, all countries that have radically misused American funds for their boat loading programs, while harming Americans. This madness needs to end.

Impeach Congress Members Who Failed Americans, Dishing Out Enormous Amounts Of Money For Foreign Aid In And Outside America Especially To Gang And Terrorist Members

"End This Madness NOW!" If you are a representative in Congress and your state has a huge homeless problem, and you think 1 + 1 = does not equal 2,  . . . you should Not Be in Congress. OVER a radical problem happening in America. Called destroy good Americans and provide entitlement to non-Americans. 

I Am Not Your Teacher, I Am Not Your Doll, I Am Not Your Sacrificial Animal, I Am Not Your Mom, I Am Not Your Leader, I Am Not Your Politician, I Am Not Your Worker, I Am Not On Your Team, I Am Not Looking For Love, . . . I Have Only Been SEEKING Personal Justice!

Keep swarming me with shit I utterly don't give a fuck about and watch how the fuck it all works out for you. I do things ONLY for my purpose, aim and goal. That has utterly nothing to do with anyone else and what you are doing. I am NOT on YOUR TEAM , you are literally out of your fucking mind to think, I would be on your team. NEVER! That is a FACT of my REALITY, NEVER ! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER MOTHER FUCKING EVER! nev·er /ˈnevÉ™r/ adverb 1. at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever. "they had never been camping in their lives" synonyms: at no time, not at any time, not ever, not once, on no occasion; literary ne'er "his room is never tidy" 2. not at all.

To Be On A Team, Which Is A Group Made Up Of A Certain Amount Of Individuals, Each Individual MUST Consent To Be Part Of The TEAM, To Understand What Their Role Is On The Team, To Agree To The Rules And Purpose

team /tÄ“m/ noun 1. a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. synonyms: group ,  squad ,  side ,  band ,  bunch ,  company ,  party ,  gang ,  selection ,  crew ,  troupe ,  set ,  lineup ,  array ;  More verb 1. come together as a team to achieve a common goal. If someone has not given consent to be on your team, then you have FORCED them to be on your team. You have not given them the ability to decide on their own, if this is the team they want to be on. What kind of team is it? A sports team, a political team, a religious team, a non-profit team,  . . . What is the value system and philosophy of the team? Do they have a specific one that most team members adhere to, or a hodge podge of what ever? What is the teams purpose. Does everyone agree as to how to achieve that? If not, there is a problem, especially if someone has not given consent to b

Never Have Been, Never Would Live For, Or Through Others For Any Purpose - You Can't Make Others Be Intelligent, Or Understand - I Am Not Doing This For Anyone Else, Be Scared!

I Am Going To Sit Here And Live Like This While YOU Unintelligent Coward Ass SCUM Enjoy Life - Fuck YOU SCUM!

Every Single Person IN This Fuck Show Won The Coward ASS SCUM Fuck AWARD, Congratulations! Your ALL Fucking SCUM!

Republicans, Liberals, Women, All Political Parities, America, Americans, The World I Am Not, Nor Have I EVER Been Living In HELL For YOU SCUM Fuck Cowards - WATCH Dumb Fucking COWARDS

Not On The Same Page NEVER Mother Fucking WOULD Be ON The Same Page Fucking SCUM Fuck COWARDS Congratulations America And The World

Watch The Signs I HOLD For All You COWARD Fucking SCUM And I SAID ALL! Keep HIDING COWARDS!