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You Can Call Me All The Names In The World, Don't Care About The Names I CARE You Intentionally Destroyed My Life 4 Being White

I TOLD A sandnigger muslim to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, it is 2019 and this sandnigger is STILL IN MY fucking life. This sandnigger has no business in my life no matter what the fuck is going on in my life or the world. This sandnigger takes everything over by force like he OWNS everyone, everything and every country.

In the most manipulating and controlling manner possible

I am edgy, intolerant, frustrated, irritated, aggressive, vicious, unapologetic, will NOT back down, . . .  because this sandnigger pitted the world against me in the craziest fuck show going on, in America and the world. I am out here standing up all by myself against the world, this sandnigger and his clan pitted against me. Could YOU?

You can protest ME

If you don't like what I say, you have the right to protest me. That is what free speech is about. Sandnigger this ain't your life, you don't own or run my life, NOR Fucking SOLVE My Problems Fuck! Sandnigger I TOLD YOU "To Get The Fuck Out Of MY LIFE!" Why the fuck are you still in my life? 

Sandnigger you are sober? I am sitting here living in HELL so a violently abusive sandnigger I told to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, can get sober while he enjoys life, and blames the world for his evil? Will never be in a relationship ever again, especially with a dysfunctional alcoholic drug addict evil fuck.


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