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Is Ensaf Haidar Really In The Best Interest Of Raif Badawi And Others, Or An EVIL Fraud? Does Sundar And His Clan At Google Help Ensaf In Her Scam? How Much $ Have You Made Off Putting Your Husband In Saudi Prison? EVIL!

- You will be on cardboard tomorrow. Raif and I have suffered immensely fucks!

"Ensaf Haidar (Arabicإنصاف حيدر‎; born 1985) is a Saudi Arabia-born Canadian human rights activist. Born in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, Haidar is the wife of Raif Badawi,[1] and actively campaigns for his freedom. Haidaris the President of the Raif Badawi Foundation for Freedom, that actively campaigns for freedom of speech and human rights awareness in the Arab World.[2]"

Above found at: Wikipedia

Ensaf you know the lady that drives a car with at least four stickers on it that say, "Be Love?" When you are not 
about love, but evil frauds, destroying good muslims and non-muslims? 
She stalks me at the library, laughing at me and all your evil. Ensaf there is one 
person besides Raif and I that you are fucking with! Prince M.B.S. who has lots
of money and power. Enough to take your ass down! Good fucking luck!

More importantly what will all those people who really do care about rights and Raif
want to do to your ass, also? People who donated money to your cause of fraud? 
Will they sue you for false advertisement? False representation, false cause, . . .?
What if they found out you, Sundar @ Google and the clan have been cyber stalking
and hacking them, because you 'claimed' to care about Raif, but found it to be a false scam?

I think Prince M.B.S. would want you dead, after accusing him of terrible policies, making
his ass look bad, . . . when YOU are the evil fuck and possibly Sundar and clan bangers 
@ Google have been accomplices to such vicious fucking EVIL!

We could only imagine what you EVIL scum did to day on April Fools acting so important
and for good causes, huh? Prince M.B.S. might just understand my anger and hate, and
like I said, I don't think you would want to fuck with his ass. I don't think he plays games 
either! Enjoy the fuck show, maybe one day, you all will be the one's to be fucked up!


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