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I Know There Are Good People In All Countries, I Try To Specify To My Best Ability Who The Culprits Are, Unfortunately The Good Has Been Accused But I Will Not Apologize So Over Being Stalked By An Iranian I Told Get The Fuck Out

I know there are good people in every country in the world, but what has happened to my life has made it very difficult to discern the good in America. And like my good self, the good in all cultures always have to suffer at the hands of the evil. I am just personally over this particular evil show on my life and mind because it is beyond beyond. It is anti-life.

I would address things differently and handle things differently if I had justice, or this was handled differently, but the way it was handled just makes me ill, off balance, shaky, crazy, go berserk, and most importantly want to be very aggressive. Instead of stressing the positive here, it just makes me stress the negative. Because it has been too intense, for to long, in a mentally disturbing manner.

It is very evident these Iranians take everything over by FORCE. They have been and are the problem, then claim to solve the problems and this is how they operate. This is how they acquire things, take things over, hold people hostage, telling you they are your friend while back stabbing you, setting you up for everything under the sun, especially sex crimes which can be easy to do,  . . . they have been at this evil for a long time so they are very methodical about it all.

They act like the manipulators and controllers they are. Acting like the rulers of the world, the problem solvers of the world, when they are the problem. They are the spin doctors of the world, spinning shit round and round, always to fit their needs, it is all a war for them not even a game, it is war. I hate because of what they did to my life. They hate because THEY ARE ONLY HATERS. Their nature is pure cold blooded evil and nothing else, while spinning it to someone else.


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