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Primitive Muslim Terrorists The Beach Is Nice, Huh? Enjoying Beautiful Orange County, CA? Little Different From Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan,... What Is Your Aim And Purpose Around Here? Take Everything By Force Like You Did To Me?

I go absolutely berserk with this mother fucker I have been trying to rid myself of acting like we are the same person, copying every fucking thing I do, thinking we are on a team, that I like him, that we are the same person, that what I say and do, I do for him, . . . it makes me literally bonkers!

I see your buddies Brian and the other guy in the van are back. Where has Brian been? What has he been doing? The guy in the van said he got a job as a care taker.

know a white lady that drives a car with the license has a heart in the beginning and then LOVITT? She did the finger around the head like I am crazy? Isn't it amazing how long I have been seeking justice and called every name in the book, including mentally ill and crazy. Seeking justice for the actions of a violently abusive Iranian sandnigger shiite muslim.

I know muslim women are fourth class citizens under sharia law, especially in the middle east. But what do Saudi sunni muslims call, Iranian shiite muslims when they are at war with each other? It is different in America, especially for an American female like myself, dealing with this muslim problem. Because of the stigma of being a bigot, racist, . . . for doing so.

But I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me. Unfortunately just like myself, innocent people of all natures, always get the brunt of things. As you can tell I am not a docile individual and there is not much to do early in the mornings when you live on the streets, except make signs. If you have driven by me and don't think I am talking about a serious problem you either, are the problem, very unintelligent, an evader, appeaser, whatever, . . . but not much to do early in the mornings, but make signs.

Guess you'll just have to deal with my signs, until I am dead or get justice.


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