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Hillary The Foreign SCUM That Hates Me Hates Your White Ass Too! Iranians DON'T Solve My Problems, But They Can Solve YOURS!

Iranians DON'T Solve My Problems,
But They Can Solve YOURS!

Prince M.B.S., President Putin, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Queen Elizabeth, Justin Trudeau, Kim Yong-un, Angela Merkel and the list goes on of leaders around the world. You can work with, support, protect and allow Iran and Iranians to own, run and solve your problems, but you NEVER tell me what to do. Iranians DON'T EVER solve my problems, do you all fucking get me.

If you seriously believe I am into your fuck show on my good life while you enjoy life, YOU are utterly stupid ass fuck. But that will NEVER register in your shit hole fucking minds, UNTIL you show the fuck up to my face, do you SCUM get my fuck in your trash fucking show on my good life. 

If Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and all creators and developers in America want to allow you evil to ruin and destroy them, that is their choice. Do you evil foreign ass fuck get my fuck. I Am NOT on your team, I am NOT an accomplice to your fuck show, you do not own or run my fuck, you do not FORCE me to be on your team and the list goes on foreign ass fucking SCUM of the world. 

Your dirty filthy fuck from India walked by this morning I don't give a fuck about your SCUM, get the fuck out of here go back to India you trash shit hole. The guy who lives in a nice condo above Heisler Park, fuck you go back to India, NOW scum!

Your dirty filthy fuck who slaughtered his two beautiful daughters in Texas, Yaser Said walked by this morning. Yaser's on the FBI's list evil fuck. While you enjoy life, I live in hell. You slaughtered your daughters because they liked a western life, muslim fuck. I missed out on important people's lives because of muslim fuck like you SCUM. 

Does Tlaib, Omar and the like give a fuck about young muslim women like the one's you slaughtered? Hell fucking NO! They are hell bent on destroying good Americans and America, not the rights of the muslim female or youth!

So OVER people really thinking I am on their team in this fuck show. 


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