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Everyone Has A Right To Be A Bigot Except The White Man Who Wants Justice For The Abuse And Infringements Upon Their Rights By Shiite Iranians Who DON'T Belong In America!

You made a mockery of my life, all for the mere reason I want justice for the actions of an Iranian muslim. But when you want your justice for claiming 'The White Man or Woman' has done you wrong, you are entitled to it and to be a bigot, Fuck YOU! This situation would not be out of control, if the justice I truly deserve and demand was granted. But you did not give it to me, you are controlling manipulators wanting to take over America acting like you are patriots.

I would NOT be out here making a scene, if you would have given me justice long ago, but you did NOT! Now I want to make sure YOU don't get your justice EVER. If we as a society have decided justice is not important, justice is only for foreigners, justice does not matter, only groups are entitled to justice, not the individual, . . . than we should go to the place of anything fucking goes and to take justice into our own hands.


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