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All I Wanted Was Personal Justice For The Actions Of An Iranian Sandnigger Muslim, The Wives He Lied About And His Gang - I Don't Care If You Were Born In America, Or Another Country This Is NOT A Game Its About Justice!

I have been living one of the greatest lives of HELL in the state and country I was born in. Not playing games with a man who lied about NOT being married and has the world running around in his fuck show. I welcomed everyone into America, graciously. I did NOT start this war, nor fuck up your life. If you are members of a drug cartel, I have always believed drugs, all drugs should be legal, so you are after the wrong fucking person.

I understand your divide and conquer war, most are clueless about. Lots of players, from all backgrounds, races, many countries, religions, males and females, . . . but the main man that started this for me is Alireza Fatemi, or Ed Gomez not sure if they are the same person, or two different people working together, or separately? All day I am surrounded by people that are trying to indicate something to me, that without personal knowledge of what they are doing, why, who they are after, . . . I could sign up and be an accomplice to something I never would agree with.

Maybe I would agree with it, but that is why this show is out of control for me, there seems to be so many players with different agendas, you don't know exactly what is going on. Who is telling the truth, why have you signed me up to be an accomplice for shit without discussing it with me. Must be nice for you, making such crazy on my mind and that folks is why, you are out of your mind I am paying attention to what you are doing. I don't live that way, you don't run my fuck, you don't own my fuck.

All I am waiting for is my personal justice, so I can live a normal life. The greatest mockery was made upon my life. I have to sit in the library and listen to shit fuck every mother fucking day, a bunch of idiots mumbling their idiot fucking shit. You wonder why I go ballistic and scream. While I listen to people enjoying life, watching them enjoy life, I sit in this HELL! Where you think you run my life. It's mentally exhausting and disturbing experience.

I promise you sandnigger and gang my signs will get more radical. Rather be dead, than live one more day in this fuck show. That is why I don't care what I say and do. I don't care what you think of me, I like myself, I am a very good person, and I do not tolerate fuck like Fatemi and gang.


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