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A Note I Sent To The Saudi Consulate

Do you have a problem with Iranian Shiite Muslims in America? Have you ever been terrorized by them, stalked by them, challenged by them? Or do you get along with them in America, but not in the middle east? I ask you these questions because I never knew the religion of Islam existed until 9/11, but really until a personal experience with an Iranian Shiite Muslim in 2004. This Shiite Muslim has made me radically dislike Islam.

It is really hate I have, probably more than those in Saudi have for Iran. Enough to want to blow their country up, that KIND of hate.  As I write you this note, they are reading what I write to you, because they are that entitled in America. I am stalked 24/7 by them, have been living one of the greatest lives of hell because of them. These individuals are masters at divide and conquer wars, another subject I was clueless about, until this event began. Which has probably really been going on well before 2004.

These Iranian Shiite Muslims might be at the helm of a lot of evil and blaming Saudi for it. The problem going on in the middle east between Saudi and Iran is also in America, and most don't understand, you might not either. But as an American female who believes in personal choice, individual rights, . . . I am called a bigot, racist, . . . speaking out for justice due to the infringements upon my rights by Iranian Shiite Muslims.

You might think it helps Islam, to work together in America, maybe I am wrong here, but this needs to be thought about. I do not believe in forcing others whether in America or around the world to change their ways. They must personally want to and decide how to achieve that goal. But as an American female, I have been living a life like Muslim females live, in the middle east, could be worse than that.

I promise you, this is what I have been and shall fight, because America has a certain value system. Not even the women rights advocates stood by me once. Shame on them. I always welcomed people from around the world and never had animosity toward immigrants, but I do now. This has been beyond a nightmare and it still goes on. This Iranian truly believe he owns me and we shall be together someday. NEVER!

I truly believe Prince M.B.S. does want to move forward, but he like everyone else that wants change for countries or people will always have resistance.


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