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Showing posts from April, 2019

Is The Raif Badawi Organization A Fraud? A Worldwide SCAM?

"Was Raif Badawi Set-up By His Terrorist Wife? Blaming Prince M.B.S.?" I seriously have probable cause to believe Fatemi, Markle and clan know Ensaf Haidar, Raif Badawi's so-called wife! This is a message to all females who have been fucking up my life with this sandnigger, this ain't a game. Raif, many he knows, I and probably who knows how many others have been living in radical fucking HELL, while you evil scum enjoy fucking life. I wonder if you all were making phone calls to each other, shredding shit, . . . after my signs? More to come, because I am OVER your fucking HELL! Most importantly while you evil scum enjoy fucking life. It is one thing to be fucked up by men, it's another for me to be fucked up by women, be scared cunts! All of you are in for some HELL with signs, WATCH!

Last Night Coming Back From Ralphs Guess Who Was Crossing The Street Before The Hare Krishna Center? The Little Guy Who Wears Tight Child Like Wife Beater Shirts And His Little Black And White Dog! "STALKER!"

- I can't say this enough ! When I see these people I go berserk and get angry. I screamed "stalker" and said, "run him over!" I don't care what anyone thinks of me, these people are disturbing and I got no game with them. So keep stalking me evil scum, we are NOT on a team. This morning I see your buddy with his wife, but not their daughter with red hair, your Iranian buddy! These people think they are so entitled and rad. Also walking where I saw this couple, I see Gary who used to go into Starbucks when I went, was parked right by where they were walking. Not sure if you know the guy that came up to me this morning when I was holding the signs about Raif, but maybe you do? Trust me I am not in a game, I have no tolerance for you thinking I am on your team and I will be aggressive, make sure you understand what the fuck I am addressing here.

I Promise You I Would NEVER In My Fucking Life Be On YOUR TEAM Fucking EVER - You Stole My Shit We Did NOT Work Together Understand The Difference, This Is NOT A Team

NEVER Been On Your Team NEVER Would! I'm NOT On Your Fucking Team Get It In Your Goddamn Fucking HEAD! So many people need to understand I am NOT on your team. This is NOT a team effort. This is a fucked up situation that I was over long fucking ago. This is NOT a fucking TEAM. I could not, nor would EVER in my life be on YOUR fucking TEAM, fucking EVER ! I'd never work for any of you, have anything to do with fucking any of you, fucking EVER. You are ALL EVIL fucking SCUM!

You Are A Seriously Ignorant Individual To Think I Am ON YOUR TEAM, I MEAN THAT!

I have no respect, none, utterly fucking none. I could never respect you after what the fuck you did to my life, fucking EVER. Seriously fucks, I don't respect your fuck . We have never been working on a team in any manner. We have never been working as a company in any manner. No one has paid me, for any work I have done. Nor do they communicate with me. All you all do is fuck with me, treat me worse than an animal. While you run around enjoying life, your family, your friends, your leisure time, recreation, vacations, . . . Get fucking REAL! You have NEVER treated me like I am on your team in any manner, just used my fucking ass. I don't respect your fuck !

Fatemi, Markle And Clan Bangers Just Saw Reza When I Was Leaving The Library And The Guy That Stalks Me By The Church On His Phone Talking About A Deal - I Said Out Loud So He Could Hear, "You Don't Own Or Run Me!"

No ONE Owns, Runs, Or Solves My Problems! Seriously, I have no game with no fuck on earth and if I take my life it is because of Americans negligence, incompetence, serial lying, ignorant, shit show on my good fucking life, while they thoroughly enjoyed fucking life. Because of your terrible fucking way of handling shit. Do you fucking get my fuck, this ain't a game for me! Just got a pop up from the sandnigger who thinks we are on a team because of your shit show, repeating what the fuck I am saying. Invading my fucking privacy, thinking we are on a team and he owns me.  President Obama should have declared a vicious war in America when he was in office, he failed miserably. Trump has not declared this war either right fucking here in America, and I am OVER you fucks enjoying life, while I continue to live in fucking HELL! Do you fucking get my fuck.  I am NOT talking about going over seas to fight a war. I am talking about a war, a vicious mother fucking evil m

Is Ensaf Haidar Really In The Best Interest Of Raif Badawi And Others, Or An EVIL Fraud? Does Sundar And His Clan At Google Help Ensaf In Her Scam? How Much $ Have You Made Off Putting Your Husband In Saudi Prison? EVIL!

- You will be on cardboard tomorrow. Raif and I have suffered immensely fucks! "Ensaf Haidar  ( Arabic :  إنصاف حيدر ‎; born 1985) is a  Saudi Arabia -born  Canadian   human rights  activist. Born in  Jizan, Saudi Arabia , Haidar is the wife of  Raif Badawi , [1]  and actively campaigns for his freedom. Haidaris the President of the Raif Badawi Foundation for Freedom, that actively campaigns for freedom of speech and human rights awareness in the  Arab World . [2] " Above found at: Wikipedia Ensaf you know the lady that drives a car with at least four stickers on it that say, " Be Love ?"  When you are not  about love, but evil frauds, destroying good muslims and non-muslims?  She stalks me at the library, laughing at me and all your evil. Ensaf there is one  person besides Raif and I that you are fucking with! Prince M.B.S. who has lots of money and power. Enough to take your ass down ! Good fucking luck ! More importantly what will all those people

It Is Too Much For Me That This Sandnigger REALLY Believes I Am On His TEAM, It Makes Me Go Berserk! It Seriously Does!

Wondering what good people he will fuck up that he has only used in this fuck show, that I might know? I know this scum and how he and his clan operate. They are EVIL and only evil! The evil fuck that waits for days like April Fools to fuck people up, even though he fucks people up everyday blaming everyone else for his evil.

You Can PROTEST ME! I'm NOT On Track With Anyone! Mother Fucking WATCH!

Keep thinking I am out here for love, or anything besides why I am out here and watch what happens. Keep thinking we are on a team and I am an accomplice with you, and you DON'T talk to me. That is fucked up. Fatemi pastor Don was just here, I don't give a fuck about pastor Don, nor will I ever. Do you get my fuck. I thought you hated Christians fucks, but not pastor Don the shadiest fuck of them ALL! Let me puke fucks! Have you ever seen me in his church or his office? Fucking NEVER. Not religious, but more importantly would NEVER trust that fuck EVER! This country better understand I ain't into this shit show. It is so unnerving what you are doing right the fuck now. It is so fucking EVIL on my good mind what you are doing right the fuck now. Wondering if good people I know the sandnigger pitted against me, are being fucked up, because now he is using them. Watch you dirty fucking filth from the middle east and where ever else. Then Steve Oreta this morning accusing