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Fatemi, Markle And Clan Bangers Just Saw Reza When I Was Leaving The Library And The Guy That Stalks Me By The Church On His Phone Talking About A Deal - I Said Out Loud So He Could Hear, "You Don't Own Or Run Me!"

No ONE Owns, Runs,
Or Solves My Problems!

Seriously, I have no game with no fuck on earth and if I take my life it is because of Americans negligence, incompetence, serial lying, ignorant, shit show on my good fucking life, while they thoroughly enjoyed fucking life. Because of your terrible fucking way of handling shit. Do you fucking get my fuck, this ain't a game for me!

Just got a pop up from the sandnigger who thinks we are on a team because of your shit show, repeating what the fuck I am saying. Invading my fucking privacy, thinking we are on a team and he owns me. 

President Obama should have declared a vicious war in America when he was in office, he failed miserably. Trump has not declared this war either right fucking here in America, and I am OVER you fucks enjoying life, while I continue to live in fucking HELL! Do you fucking get my fuck. 

I am NOT talking about going over seas to fight a war. I am talking about a war, a vicious mother fucking evil military war in America, that is the KIND of WAR I am talking about. Everyday you dilly dally around, which has been going on for a long fucking time, these people make ground in their shit show blaming England and Americans laughing at it all. What the fuck!

You are afraid to define and identify your enemy and do something vicious about it in America. That is the fucking problem here. They don't have a problem fucking you and this country up, you have the problem being a mean mother fucker towards them and it needs to STOP! Yes you will lose shit, but the more you wait the worse it will be. You have been waiting for how long, doing WHAT? 

I am absolutely, on no one's team, I mean that with conviction. Seriously I'm NOT!

Fatemi I am talking about people being MEAN towards you, KILLING you sandnigger, that sandnigger is what the fuck I am talking about, while you stalk me trying to indicate our country is NOT mean towards England. We are not on the same page sandnigger, never fucking will be. Since our country won't do anything about England, you are entitled to fuck up Americans? Wow what a concept sandnigger isn't it?

You are the one who HAS been fucking up Americans acting like it is England fuck. Look at my life fuck! You act like someone else is fucking me up, you all are. You pitted all these people against me in the greatest shit show in the world fuck, you did sandnigger YOU! Not someone else, you did sandnigger


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