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Last Night Coming Back From Ralphs Guess Who Was Crossing The Street Before The Hare Krishna Center? The Little Guy Who Wears Tight Child Like Wife Beater Shirts And His Little Black And White Dog! "STALKER!"

- I can't say this enough!

When I see these people I go berserk and get angry. I screamed "stalker" and said, "run him over!" I don't care what anyone thinks of me, these people are disturbing and I got no game with them. So keep stalking me evil scum, we are NOT on a team.

This morning I see your buddy with his wife, but not their daughter with red hair, your Iranian buddy! These people think they are so entitled and rad. Also walking where I saw this couple, I see Gary who used to go into Starbucks when I went, was parked right by where they were walking.

Not sure if you know the guy that came up to me this morning when I was holding the signs about Raif, but maybe you do? Trust me I am not in a game, I have no tolerance for you thinking I am on your team and I will be aggressive, make sure you understand what the fuck I am addressing here.


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